“VALENTINE EMMA became a representation of who I am, what I stand for, and my story," declares Julot Valentine Emma Hobbensiefken. In this blog, we embark on a captivating exploration into the world she has crafted — a world where each high heel is more than a fashion statement; it's a profound expression of identity and purpose. Join us as we unravel the unique journey of Julot and her brand, VALENTINE EMMA, where style intertwines seamlessly with personal narrative and empowerment.

Hello, could you please introduce yourself?

Julot: Hi, I am Julot Valentine Emma Hobbensiefken. Creativity is in my blood, together with determination and passion. Since a very young age I knew that I wanted to be my own boss. I wanted my own business and I wanted to do something creative. I wanted to make sure that I could build something, for my future,  that would give me the feeling like I could live my best life by doing what I love most. I love being creative, I love giving something back and I love to connect and share stories. When I realised that I wanted to create my own heel brand with the identity that it has now,  it felt like I found exactly that purpose.

So who am I now.. Now I am Julot Valentine Emma Hobbensiefken, owner of high heel brand VALENTINE EMMA and I am the most grateful, passionate and happiest person that I can be. Just because I do what I love to do and I found a way to create something that, unawarely, stands for my dreams and life goal. And it even means so much more than that, because the whole brand stands to inspire other women to feel the exact same way.

What inspired you to start VALENTINA EMMA and how did your journey begin?

Julot: I started wearing heels when I was thirteen years old, because I always felt like high heels can make you feel so confident, beautiful and feminine, but also strong and badass. The way it made me feel, the way it changed the way I walked.. It made me feel so strong and myself. So from that moment on I never wore anything else. When I wasn’t so sure of things or the future that I wanted to have, I got dressed. I got ready for the day, every day and I wore those heels every time. From the moment that I got up, till the moment I went to bed. High heels made me feel stronger, more secure and it gave me the feeling that I had a purpose and that I was ready for whatever that was going to be.

Eventually, I realised that I could do this. In my mind I felt like being a designer is something that happens in movies. I always loved the movies with high fashion wardrobes and I never realised that that was actually something that I could do. The moment I realised that I wanted to be a high heel designer, I knew exactly what I wanted to create. Not when it comes to style and design, but innovation. I wanted to create a high heel brand that could solve the most known problems for women. Which is not being able to buy nice heels when you have bigger or smaller feet than the standard sizes and struggling with the frustration that a heel might not be exactly what you are looking for, but close enough.

That is what VALENTINE EMMA became and during that process I figured out what I wanted for the signature style, designs and the whole brand. VALENTINE EMMA became a representation of who I am, what I stand for and my story. The brand became a true gift to me. A brand that would give everything that I feel when I walk in heels, but now through my own designs. That’s how VALENTINE EMMA will become a gift to all the women who can identify themselves with the brand and the style.

To come back to the question “What inspired me to start?” I think if you would ask me this question back then, when I started, then I would say: passion and my love for heels. Now it is something completely different because the brand evolved into something that meant so much more. Now VALENTINE EMMA gives me the feeling that I can give something back to other women. That I can give a feeling that I feel is the most important thing when you want to follow your dreams and take risks.. passion, strength, love, creativity and definitely confidence. VALENTINE EMMA became a brand that makes you feel sexy and powerful, like you can handle everything. The fact that it is something that can be given through a heel that is designed by me, made with so much love is what inspires me everyday to work really hard on this brand, so I can give this to the world as far as I can, so people can experience that exact feeling. And I can only hope that people will feel as confident and loved as I do.

What sets VALENTINA EMMA apart from other high heel brands?

Julot: I think what separates VALENTINE EMMA from other brands, are her USP’s and her signature style. VALENTINE EMMA has a look that I have never seen before in this branche. It’s new, it’s exclusive and unique. Besides that.. VALENTINE EMMA offers the possibility to personalise the heels and offers the possibility to order the heels in your perfect size (going from size 35 to size 45). The brand has found a way to offer her designs, but in a non-wasteful and sustainable way.

Desa places a strong emphasis on collaboration and community building. How do you envision VALENTINA EMMA contributing to this?

Julot: Desa offers designers and other entrepreneurs the possibility to come together and collaborate in the virtual world of Desa, so this is an amazing place for young, beginning or even experienced designers/entrepreneurs to work together and connect. I would love to see all the people in this virtual community and I am open to connecting. I love to collaborate and join forces to create something together or help each other grow individually. So how would VALENTINE EMMA contribute to that? By being a part of that. By being open for all the connections and being curious about what is next and how we can do that by learning with each other.

What connections do you see between Desa and VALENTINA EMMA?

Julot: I feel like Desa and VALENTINE EMMA offer the same thing in their own branches. We both offer something that is new and highly necessary. Something that shares a story, helps you grow and makes you feel like you can achieve whatever you want if you work hard for it.

Desa is a virtual world providing entrepreneurs a space to develop their business, how do you see your brand developing inside a 3D environment?

Julot: I think that it is very interesting as a designer to pre-test your designs. By being able to see how people react to your collections, you can either improve your work and wait until you start production, or you know that you can start producing because you can see that people want your product. The fact that this system lowers risk, makes you feel more secure and offers a stage for your brand to be presented on, that’s why I think it is smart to include VALENTINE EMMA in this world. So, that is how I see VALENTINE EMMA in this world. Perhaps with her own store, with her own story and complete presentation. The sky's the limit, so that’s what I’ll try to reach with my brand within and outside Desa.

Do you see virtual platforms like Desa influencing the future of fashion and brand interactions?

Julot: Yes! It is smart and offers a process that makes fashion brands on the platform much more sustainable, because they don’t produce products or designs that are not working/loved in the VR world. As a designer you can test your products, make smart decisions, save a lot of time and money and meet other inspiring people. Platforms like this are needed, because it solves the most known problems from designers.

In what ways is VALENTINA EMMA contributing to sustainability within the fashion industry?

Julot: VALENTINE EMMA is already a high fashion brand. A brand that is really aware of the amount that she is producing, but also about the process, how things are made, what kind of materials are used. Including the whole system that VALENTINE EMMA created, women can create multiple designs with one design of VALENTINE EMMA, by using the options that the brand offers. VALENTINE EMMA strives to be as sustainable as she can be and that’s why Desa is also interested in achieving that goal even more. When you can see in a VR world that a design is not liked by the target group, then you know that you don’t have to produce and of course the other way around. You can rely on success more, so there is less risk of wasting products. So on that matter VALENTINE EMMA can be even more sustainable by being a part of Desa.

What are your aspirations for the future of VALENTINA EMMA?

Julot: This is a tough question to answer because I keep dreaming more and more to reach further and further. As I said before I keep reaching more where the sky's the limit, so to answer the question… There is no end goal. I set small goals to reach and from there I move on.

If I talk about my dream, then I hope that I can create a physical space where VALENTINE EMMA can be presented. A place where I can work with a team, where I could produce the heels myself together with packing them and sending them away. I want a space where it all happens. Where we have a studio to shoot, a kitchen and room to relax, rooms for everybody to have their own table to work on what needs to be done. I hope that I can make VALENTINE EMMA a brand that is known for her way of working and collaborating. A place where passion and love comes together to make something that will be worn with the same aspects. I hope that VALENTINE EMMA becomes the brand that will be used by stylists to present the power of their clients' stories, that VALENTINE EMMA becomes a brand that will be worn on the red carpet but also a brand that will be chosen because of the power and confidence that it stands for. I want this to be big, but also personal. That’s my dream. But of course.. This needs to be done step by step.

If you could style anyone inside Desa with your heel design, who would it be?

Julot: Overall, I hope every power woman who feels connected to the brand, but there are a few women who I would love to style with VALENTINE EMMA, who would feel like an absolute dream to style for example; Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner or Dutch style icons like Romee Strijd, Monica Geuze, Jutta Leerdam, Bibi Breijman, Negin Mirsalehi, Zeynep Dag, Anna Nooshin, and even the Prinses Amalia van Oranje. There's so many more, every woman with passion!

With Julot Valentine Emma Hobbensiefken's journey and the birth of VALENTINE EMMA, one thing is abundantly clear—this is more than just a high heel brand. It's a manifestation of passion, sustainability, and a commitment to authenticity. From a personal passion to a symbol of empowerment and sustainability, Julot's vision transcends traditional fashion boundaries. Julot envisions a natural collaboration between her brand and Desa, a 3D environment where she can have her own VALENTINE EMMA store and experiment with designs to get collaborative feedback.

Are you a fellow creator like Julot, interested in contributing to the building of Desa, or stand behind its passion and story? We are always looking for someone with a passion for their craft, who is eager for new challenges, has great attention to detail, and is a strong team player.

Please use the link below to check out our open positions.


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